Links of Interest

At Patriot Post Voice of Essential Liberty you will find editorials and commentary on current events of our day as they hinder or help our liberty.  There is also a wealth of information about our founding fathers and mothers along with our documents of liberty.
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Pilgrim Institute has many resources available for restoring Biblical principles of history and government.  There are educational materials, study courses, and Ruth Smith’s series of history text books written from the Providential view.
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Miss Katherine Dang has been a student and teacher of the American Christian philosophy of history and government for over thirty years restoring Biblical reasoning and the Providential view of history to the American Christian. 
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At the American Christian History Institute Principle Approach you will find resources written by James Rose which help to apply the Biblical principles of history and government to teaching.
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We encourage American Christians to find your elected officials and contact them about legislation that affects our liberty.  Here is one source for finding your local, county, state, and national elected officials.
Go to and supervisor of elections for your state and county.